Good afternoon, Dear Readers.
Yesterday, I took yet more time to wander around the delightful Forrester Gallery, pondering some of the exhibits. I was very much taken with the small child's tricycle, which has been exhibited by a Mr. Fleury. I have yet to meet this ingenious gentleman, but I am eagerly awaiting the opportunity. His steam-powered tricycle is very much like the one Sir Cecil has stored away in the attic at Poppycock Manor. In fact, one would almost think they were identical, except that Sir Cecil's model has revolving blades attached to the back wheels, for those times when the servants were being tiresome, and the little darling wished to chastise them. AAhh, many's the time we've chuckled about that!!! Even Nanny McCuddlestone has some rather vivid scars on her ankles!!! He really was a little tyke, in his younger days!!! Apparently, he and his little friends used to take turns riding helter-skelter up and down the long hallway at Poppycock Manor as fast as they could, blades whirling, aiming at their little friend's those days, parents really believed in competitive play. I believe the little ones soon learned to jump over the blades. It's trully amazing how fast even a very small child can run, and how high they can jump, when real pain is involved!!! Of course, Sir Cecil always mourned the fact that he was never allowed the more impressive model of tricycle, the Safeways Toddler-Controlled Vaporiser, which incorporated a small but effective vaporising gun, and a deadly cannister of poisonous gas. His dear father was all set to purchase one for him, when it was inexplicably withdrawn from the market. One can only ponder as to why such a delightful toy went out of manufacture. I'm afraid they just don't make children's toys like they used to...
On a more serious note, I fear I may have inadvertantly mentioned the Maximiser/Minimiser Gun in my last article...please pretend you didn't read that, as it is Sir Cecil's latest Deadly Weapon, and he would be most distressed if it were misused in any way. So far, he's only tried it out on a few people who really deserved it. My word, it was effective! (But you didn't hear me say that.) Anyway, Dear Friends, I must dash, so au revoir for now, and keep that steam billowing!!!
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